All posts by Thebestofalleras

Elizabeth Montgomery art


That’s one of my newest arts made on my tablet, dedicated to Elizabeth Montgomery.

I adore Elizabeth, from the first moment I watched Bewitched, and worked on this art after watching my second season of this show.

I am addicted to working on my tablet, and also I created an art about Agnes Moorehead (whose birthday is coming), but i updloaded on Google plus, but this one.. oh, I put a lot of effort bcause didn’t want to make it only black and white.

I hope you guys like it as much as I liked working on it, and I appreciate you stopping by one more time.



Lucille Ball Art

This drawings of Lucille marks a new phase for my drawings.

I stopped working on paper, and started working them on my tablet.

I believed that’s going to be better and easier for me work on tablet than on paper, also because on the tablet i have more options for painting, and it’s easier to work on the shadows and etc, that i cannot still on paper.

It’s not realistic yet, but I must confess that i enjoyed more working on the tablet than i usually did on paper, so I am happy with the result, and I am sure that it won’t take too long for me to reach the level that i want, and i’m not going to drop the drawing on paper, because I do want to upgrade myself there as well.

I was watching “I love Lucy” few hours ago and got inspired on working on an art for her.

Ended up making her look too pale 😦


How can we not love Lucy? ❤


Lana Del Rey and Elvis Presley

This is my new montage, after some time without working on this, and I decided to add two people that I like from different eras: Elvis Presley and Lana Del Rey.

As you know, I really prefer the Old Hollywood, music, movies and etc, but there are some artists nowadays that I do enjoy, and Lana is one of them.

Lana and Elvis

Lana matches with Old Hollywood in some ways, I have worked on some pictures of her with James Dean as well, that I shall upload soon.

Happy Birthday, Lillian Gish

After some time without posting due to some issues I sadly had related to this platform, I am happy that today, I am getting to post again, specially today, that’s the birthday of my favorite Old Hollywood actress: Lillian Gish.

October is also my favorite month, so the fact she was born in October is really special for me.

All I can say is: Happy Birthday, Lillian ❤

You are still one of the most important inspirations that I have.

Forever Remembered


53 years ago the world lost Marilyn Monroe… on the physical aspect, for she continues to inspire, amaze and entertain many people still.
Marilyn is immortal for she will never be forgotten, we all know about her, during my childhood I first heard her name and never forgot about it and now I am proudly one of her fans.
It’s really sad that her life was cut short, but we must celebrate the fact that we all had her presence, celebrate her life and now we all have ways to remember her and make sure she will always keep being remembered as the time goes by.

Phone Art for Marilyn.


A small phone art that I created for Marilyn.
Mostly I am on my smartphone instead of being on Photoshop, so this app is something that I love on my phone because it makes possible for me to use these beautiful stickers and beautiful filters as well.
This filter is my favorite and its called 1986 (date of my birth, by the way) 🙂
Sometimes my internet is not fast enough so when it gets this fast the first thing that I do is take some pictures that I have on my folder and work on this app.
Play with filters and with some stickers maybe sometimes add some frame… And Marilyn pictures are those I have worked the most.

Hocus Pocus


22 years ago, one of my favorite movies was released: Hocus Pocus.
I really always loved this movie, and I still do with all my being.
As someone who really loves Halloween, it’s really impossible for me don’t feel connected and bewitched by Hocus Pocus.
Thora Birch is one of the actresses I really, really adore, and Bette Middler said that she really enjoyed working on this movie.
And think they are working on the second movie. .. Such great notice for me.♥